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Why We Give

For where your treasure is,
there your heart will  be also.

~ Matthew 6:21 ~

Giving of our time, talent, and treasure is essential to the work of building up the Kingdom of God.

Giving back to God all that he has given us is also one of the ways in which we express

thanksgiving for His abounding graciousness, love, and mercy.

Thank you for your gift toward the support and growth of God's church in Mayesville, SC.

Ways To Give

Give Online

To give, complete the form that appears below.  You have the option to make your tithe payment to the general fund ("Contributions/Budget Expenses") or to make a gift to a specific ministry.

Give by Text

Text giving is great for quick, easy, one-time gifts.  Text "MPC141" to 73256 to complete a gift.  Text giving will automatically save your payment information for future gifts.  This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP.  If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP.  Standard text message and data rates may apply. 


Mail A Check

Mail your tithe or gift to Mayesville Presbyterian Church at P.O. Box 141, Mayesville, SC  29104.

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